5 weeks

Solo project


360° Sketching, Storyboard, CoSpaces


Happy Garden

The VR space where you can gather with your friends and family to create meaningful memories by cultivating the garden together. 



After the pandemic, it has become challenging for people to meet their loved ones with long-distance. People can call to hear voices and to see the faces of their loved ones through video/voice calls, but these technologies cannot offer a true sense of being together. I wanted to explore how VR could be used to tackle this issue to give immersive experiences for people to meet each other in a virtual space.

"How might VR be able to help people with long-distance have a sense of being together by providing immersive experiences?"

Design Process

"How might VR be able to help people with long-distance meet in a virtual space to have a sense of being together by having immersive experiences?"

User Research

Research Insights

"It would be nice to have a personal place for people who want to hang around regularly in VR space. It would feel like I have another home in the VR space."
"It would be nice to have activities for people to do together in VR space. VR can make people with long-distance have a feeling of being together by doing activities together."


Design Opportunity


360° Sketching and Storyboarding

Using my research and design requirements as a guide, I drew ideas for a VR environment and interactions.

I then played out a 360° sketch in order to see what the environment would look like in VR and added some potential places for interactions.

Finally, I sketched out various scenes and storyboards and then started to think about interactions of this game that could be prototyped for a usability test.

Six Interaction Goals

Choose what to sow or plant.
Water and fertilze garden plants
Work together while gardening
Harvest produces from plants
Sell produces to buy more plants
Get notifications on the phone

Paper Prototype

Lessons learned from the usability testing...

Try Out The Happy Garden!



The process of converging UX design and VR technology together was challenging since I had never thought about user experiences in 3D space before. It was tough to picture user experiences in a 360° environment, but drawing a 360° sketch really helped me plan all the needed interactions and the concrete storyline for users. When building user interactions in the game, I needed to consider user experiences of visual and auditory elements in every interaction between users and the environment. I learned that providing adequate sound effects is crucial to conveying truly immersive experiences for users.

In addition, creating a paper prototype was easy and the fastest way to make users get involved during the development. The usability testing with the paper prototype was very helpful for gaining valuable insights in an earlier stage of the development. I used CoSpaces to develop my game, as it was much faster for me to add components and create interactions, but it could have been better to build the game with Unity. I am excited to improve my design and engineering skills within this space, so my next journey for this project will be making the Happy Garden with Unity.